HTML Bold Tag

The HTML Bold tag is used to apply bold formatting to text. The tag is <b> and it can be used in conjunction with other HTML tags to format text in various ways.

Here’s an example of how to use the <b> tag:

<p>This is a <b>bold</b> text.</p>

In this example, the word “bold” will be displayed in bold font. You can also use the <b> tag in combination with other tags, such as <i> for italic or <u> for underline, to format text in different ways.

It’s worth noting that the <b> tag is used for stylistic purposes only and should not be used to indicate the importance of text. For that purpose, you should use the <strong> tag instead. The <strong> tag also applies bold formatting to text but is meant to indicate that the text is of greater importance than other text on the page.

HTML Bold tag is used to make the text boldface.

Example for HTML Bold Tag

<b> Welcome to ! .. will help beginner and expert to learn HTML .Make your own web page </b>